Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Slothful Computers

Slow computers are aggravating!

Most people grab new computers every couple years based on the speed the computer performs. Solving the slow computer problem doesn’t require much. A couple of routing tasks and freeware can help keep our slightly antiquated machines running smoothly. 

Registry Errors

Most common problems slowing down our computers involve registry errors, spyware and viruses.
Your computers registry contains information for running software and hardware on your computer. When software or hardware is uninstalled these instructions can be leftover from the uninstall. Leftover to slow booting and processing of other relevant applications. I use a program called CCleaner on all of my clients computers as well as my own. It’s a free program.

Spyware & viruses

These frustrating programs run rampant online. They are installed without our permission and usually attach themselves to emails and other downloads that appear to be legitimate.
  • Switching the search engine provider
  • Spam from your email address
  • Tracking and keylogging
Are just a few things spyware and viruses can do to your computer. Don’t download software online if you don’t trust the company you are downloading from. It’s a very good idea to have an anti-virus program as well. I install Spybot Search and Destroy on all client computers as well as my own. CCleaner also has utilities that allow and prevent infection.

In conclusion, preventative maintenance is the best medicine. A few safety measures can keep your computer running like new.

Websology Consulting is a firm that specializes various aspects of computing. Upgrades, Desktop Support and Repair is one area.


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