The most popular LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube are growing at exponential rates. Apprehension to these semantic Web 2.0, platforms is understandable as many people and business are slow to adapt to change.
I can appreciate social media because I live in the Matrix or the world of computer geekiness. I understand the platform, how to use it, and protecting privacy. Those of you that don’t understand should consider my company as an advisor to leveraging social media to benefit your business.
The world of social media is no anomaly. This is America and it is no surprise that these platforms proudly claim America as their home country. Social media is free speech and expression online just to keep it simple. Your customers’ competition and almost everybody between are perusing the virtual world of social media. An amalgamation of dynamic communities are being developed using social media. The connectedness is vital to consumers and producers, buyers and sellers, entertainers and fans. You know the type of relationship.
Being or hiring a saavy social networker has its upside. Businesses are connected to their customers in an informal way. It is the management of that relationship developed on social media that promotes your personal brand or business effectively. Consumers are voicing their opinions’ Businesses are communicating their message as well. The question then becomes how and in what capacity will you participate rather than; Im not on Facebook and what is Twitter.